What is on the Menus     Load Parameters... - Opens specified xxxxx.TREE or xxxxx.PALM file and loads its parameter values. TREE will recognize and open a xxxxx.TREE file if the currently selected tree type is Broadleaves or Conifers, and it will not recognize and open a xxxxx.PALM file. If you want to open the xxxxx.PALM file, you have to go to Type menu and select Palms. If Palms is selected, TREE will recognize and open only xxxxx.PALM files. Save Parameters... - Saves parameter values into the specified .TREE or .PALM file. Save Image as PICT... - Saves tree image into the specified PICT file. Save Model as DXF... - Saves tree model into the specified DXF file. See the chapter DXF Model for detailed description. Quit - Quits TREE.   Copy - Copies tree image from the screen onto the clipboard.   Broadleaves - If checked, then the broadleaf modeler is active. Conifers - If checked, then the conifer modeler is active. Palms - If checked, then the palm modeler is active.   Auto Draw - If checked, then the rendering is auto-initiated after each parameter adjustment. Background - Sets the background color to white or black. Auto Scale - When checked, Auto Scale fits the image to the TREE's canvas. The scaling factor for the tree image is auto-adjusted to that of the last tree image. If unchecked, the scaling factor is constant and has the value of the last tree image rendered with Auto Scale checked. Continuous Update - If checked, the tree image will be continuously updated as you rotate (change the viewpoint) or drag the model. This will work only with small models and on the Power Macintosh computers. As the technology progresses further and the computers become more powerful, this feature will become much more useful.   Show TREE - Displays the TREE window if it is hidden. Hide TREE - Hides the TREE window if it is displayed.